Investment Highlights
Brand New 10-Year Lease | Scheduled Rental Increases | Fast-Growing and Popular Brand
Located Along Major Throughfare | Interstate 15 (119,000+ VPD) | Excellent Visibility | Significant Street Frontage | Large Monument Sign | Drive-Thr
Direct Consumer Base | Salt Lake City-Ogden MSA |Strong Demographics in 5-Mile Trade Area
Absolute NNN Ground Lease | Leased Fee Ownership | Zero Landlord Responsibilities
Riverdale Shopping Center (650,000+ SF) | Dense Retail Corridor | Adjacent to Newgate Mall (725,000 SF) | Strong National/Credit Tenant Presence
Executive Summary
SRS National Net Lease Group is pleased to offer the opportunity to acquire the leased fee interest (land ownership) in an absolute NNN, newly-constructed, drive-thru equipped FiiZ Drinks investment property located in Riverdale, Utah (Salt Lake City-Ogden MSA). The tenant, Delta Bravo Holdings, LLC (dba FiiZ Drinks), recently signed a brand new 10-year lease with 2 (5-year) options to extend, demonstrating their commitment to the site. The lease features 10% rental increases every 5 years throughout the initial term and options, growing NOI and hedging against inflation. The ground lease is absolute NNN with zero landlord responsibilities, making this an ideal, management-free investment for a passive investor. Founded in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2014, FiiZ Drinks is a growing and popular soda shop chain with over 50 locations, and is expanding across the country.